Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are you mor afraid of the closet monster, or the monster under your bed(there is one under there!)?

My niece just came up to me and told me how scared she was of underneath her bed. So i thought to myself ';wow, when i was little i was more afraid of the monster in the closes';(cause i hate my closet opened)

So what were you afraid of?Are you mor afraid of the closet monster, or the monster under your bed(there is one under there!)?
The monster under my bed for sure. It can just reach up and grab you and drag you under there, in that tiny space, with him. And eat you. With the closet monster, you have a fighting chance. You see the door creepily creaking open....AND YOU RUN OUT OF THERE FAST!!!! Closet monster gets no food =]

Plus, I've always pictured the monster under the bed as being a lot more demented, since it lives in such a closed-in space.Are you mor afraid of the closet monster, or the monster under your bed(there is one under there!)?
Haha Oh the Memories, i was More afraid of the Under the bed moster, i remember i would always wrap myself in the blanket, no part of my body would be in the open, and i would put my head under the covers. The only time i would come up was when i herad my parents near by, Haha i never had my closet door closed, for the fear of just seeing or hearing it open. But now that im much older, this stuff makes me laugh,..
Well, my bed has drawers underneath, but if it didn't, that's what would scare me. Something grabbing my ankle... But, since my closet is open at the foot of my bed and my house could have paranormal activity, that's scarier. I used to have an old dracula mask in my closet when i was younger. Needless to say, the door was always closed.
yea man, stuff like that freaks me out, infact i have a star wars clone trooper helmet in my room, right near my bed on the table, at night man, it looks like its moving and some lights coming out of its visor, freagin freaky, i also have a freagin action figure its a clonetrooper, and they seem to change spots a lot on the desk over if they were real. MONSTERS do exist as i once saw a hand coming out underneath of my bed, but i believe it was a dream...
well, the closet monster is one that i could actually see, which would be really scary...

and the bed monster can reach up and touch you... which would also be really scary...

either way, IM HAVING MY HOUSE FUMIGATED!!!!!!!!!!

i cant decide......

if there were a ceiling monster that had really long arms... that would win...
I'm more afraid of what of the unknown...
I'm most afraid of the night man..he lives int he dark and can run super fast...EEEEEKKKKK
I hated when my closet was cracked open.. wigged me out...

i got a short sword by my bed lol -.-
my bed monster
im scared

that a monkey may rape me in my sleep

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