Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to produce mor breast milk?

not produceing enough breast milkHow to produce mor breast milk?
drink a light beer..a nurse told my sister that when her breast began a slow leakHow to produce mor breast milk?
First off - are you sure you're not producing enough? Women often mistake the real signs of low supply. Your breasts don't have to feel engorged to have milk in them. Expressing milk is no indication of how much you produce as pumps are not as effective as baby. If baby is gaining weight well and wetting lots of nappies, then it's unlikely that you have a supply problem. That said, it does happen...

Your body works on a supply and demand basis, so try to express and nurse as often as you can, including through the night. Make sure you are drinking enough water and you calorie intake is at least at the minimum (I believe it's 2500 a day while breastfeeding, that's open for correction). You could also try fenugreek supplements from the health food store. Or Mother's Milk Tea. These both help to increase supply. Also, oatmeal can help to boost it too.

Good luck!
Easy question


Anisee tea

Chamamile tea

Warm shower over shoulders and breasts (not too too hot or will dry up breasts)

Express milk straight after a feed

Glacta herbs such as fenugreek (tea works better than capsules but both really bring on the milk)

have read beer but I dont like the idea of alcohol in any bf mums system

a massage from hubby

some people go so far as getting hubby to stimulate breasts during love making

lots of water

lots of plenty fruit and veges in your diet.
I've tried this http://traditionalmedicinals.com/womens_鈥?/a> and http://herb-pharm.com/catalog/mother39sl鈥?/a> I've tried both and they worked great for me. Like any other medication they need to be taken three times a day, you should see results in two or three days but I always used them for a week to complete the regimen although you could use them for longer. Anything with hops will help also, I think that's what she meant by beer. Not just any kind will do. Do some research and find one that has a high hop content.
drink milk

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