I'm sorry for your loss. Do not blame yourself for the kittens that didn't live. Sometimes even the healthiest cats with the best veterinary care and the best supervision by experienced cat breeders have stillborn kittens or ones that pass quickly after birth. Been there and done that. Life (and death) happens.
Keep your cat in a warm, quiet, isolated area for a while just to be certain she is finished and because she will spot for a few days and you don't want to ruin carpeting or furniture.
Do take your cat to the vet for an exam. The vet will palpate her uterus to be certain it is empty and contracting back to normal size. The vet will advise you how soon she may be spayed. You probably just have to wait a week or so for her milk to dry up. Keep her inside. She is likely to go into heat again that quickly, too, if she is a healthy girl.
She will need lots of love and attention now although if she is a first-time mom she might not be as depressed as experienced ones can be when there is a loss of kittens.
I'm sorry you've had such a bad day. Love your cat. She's very special even if she isn't a mommy.My cat went in labor this morning around 3am and only delivered 2 kittens that didnt make it.will she have mor
She is probably finishes. But, was she interrupted during her labor? If so, sometimes - not often, they will stop the labor until they are settled and comfortable again and then they will finish the delivery. Chances are good that she is through and there are no more babies.
I am truly sorry.
it depends, since its her first its normal to have a little less then normal. check her stomach if it still feels kinda big.the best advice i would give is to go to the vet because if their is still k ittens in her they can affect the mothers health as well as their own.
If it;s been this long already ; than she won;t have more,She;s gonna be depressed wondering where the babies are ;so give her lots of love and pets as she;s gonna be sad for awhile; as you are too.Bury the cats away from her and put them in plastic bags so they won;t get dug up again.I;m sorry for your loss but maybe it wasn;t meant to be,You should get her fixed now ; so you and her won;t have to GO Thur all this sadness again..good luck and god bless you both
I know you really wanted kittens, but if you don't know about cat pregnancy, and aren't going to the cat to the vet for checkups and such, you should really get the cat fixed.
By getting your cat fixed, you save her from cancer, and potential death in kittenbirth, plus the world doesn't need any more cats.
I am very sorry for your loss. There wasn't anything you could have done, cat pregnancies are not the same as human pregnancies, not much you can do except make sure she's in a warm, safe place, like a box with blankets.
some cats will continue delivering for hours, even a whole day. But 1 or 2 for the first pregnancy is fairly normal, especially for a young cat.
I would take the cat to a vet ASAP, even if she's still in labor, the vet will be able to help you.
Since so far her kittens didn't make it, consider getting her neutered, might be the best thing for everyone.
make sure that she is in a box or cage and left on her own thats what i did because if she feels frightened she wont stay with the kittens thats prob y those 2 died all you have to do is make sure that the sack comes off and put it straight by the mom and she will clean it
Yes , she will have more kittens.
No there is no way you can help her in labor she has to do it all by her self.
i'm sorry about that. if she's no longer in labor she won't have more as of now. but later i'm sure she can have another litter.
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