Monday, November 30, 2009

Do pollsters call Democrats mor than Republicans?

I know it's random selection but, do they call areas in the states that are heavily democrats. I wonder because every election that I can remember the polls have had democrats higher.Do pollsters call Democrats mor than Republicans?
Actually, they do it fairly. And the poles are correct. The only issue is they can't get the lazy welfare losers off their arsses to vote!Do pollsters call Democrats mor than Republicans?
Pollsters have to interview a random sample and they keep interviewing until they meet all the demographic requirements. For instance, when they call they may ask what party the person is with and then who they are voting for. They can also ask if they are registered voters, age, sex, race, etc. Because people can lie or change their minds, 1 poll taken cannot be considered accurate. However when there is data accumulated from a number of polls, a more accurate trend is found.
I think one reason is that some Republicans are ashamed to admit they support McCain.

Obama supporters are enthusiastic about the future.

McCain supporters are afraid of the future and only view McCain as ';the lesser of two evils.'; Thus, they don't want to take a poll.
Who really knows, they say it is unbias, but I don't see how. Today we have a bunch of polls released, some put Obama as high as 10 points ahead, others have them dead even, I even saw one that had McCain with a 2 point lead.
Actually, they use random number dialing.

To the idiot above: they usually call at night to avoid calling people when they are at work.
It depends on what results their looking for. It isn't random... the intentionally skew the poll to show what they want to project to the American people.
yes because democrats go off emotion.....Republicans go off facts. Thats why the donkey is our mascot....donkeys are hard to persuade.
It's not random in the numbers because the number of registered Democrats is much higher than Republicans, so they account for that.
most pollsters are actually working for the campaign parties, mostly to see how their campaign is working.
I'm a registered republican and my husband is not registered to any party; no pollsters have called our house.
yes, but that's simply because most unemployed at home to take the surveys are Democrats. Go figure.
CNN and NBC don't have Republicans numbers. They are going to p their pants Nov. 5.
Considering the media is in the tank for BHO, what do you think?
republicans are at work when they call
I never had a call.
Va , i've had 1 call from each
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