Thursday, December 3, 2009

How can you get mor gb on your computer?

Add RAM, check your system at

Add a Hard drive for your data, music, videos. Visit and buy an external hard drive.

Good luck and Happy Computing!How can you get mor gb on your computer?
Well, with RAM, you need to find out what kind, then buy more of that kind. With a hard drive, either buy a (cheaper) removable harddrive for storage, or (more expense and complex) swap your internal harddrive for a different one. Or, if up to the challenge, add another one with RAID.

Good luck!How can you get mor gb on your computer?
By gb I assume you mean Gigabytes?
u have to bye more GB from your company u bought the computer from..
I guess you are asking how do you get more space on your computer for saving files. The biggest bang for your buck would be installing an additional internal hard drive; but that would require a small level of know-how. The easiest way is to get an external hard drive which you can just plug in with a USB or Firewire cable (they go really cheap on amazon and ebay). An additional 200gb should only cost you around $150, maybe even cheaper.
Lol :: sigh :: get a new hard drive
You buy it and then istall it.
There are a couple ways. For more details, email me at

Note: Macs cannot be easily upgraded, unless it's via USB. If you have a Mac, please consider buying a new one.


1. Upgrade your ram.

2. Get Microsoft Windows Vista Beta, use a USB thumb drive.


1. Upgrade, defragment, compress, clean up, or expand your hard drive.

2. Use a USB thumb drive.

3. Get an external hard drive.

4. Get a portable hard drive.
You can have a second hard drive installed in your computer at a computer store- or you can buy an external hard drive- you should definatley get one that connects via firewire if you plan to use it as an upgrade.

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