Thursday, December 3, 2009

I am breastfeeding my 2 week old son and after he is done breastfeeding he cries like 10 minutes later for mor?

My son is 2 weeks old and has been doing great with breastfeeding. That is until now. He will take both breasts but then releases when he is done. Then in 10 minutes...not even... he cries and roots like he wants more. Of course I give him more but is something wrong? Am I not producing enough milk?I am breastfeeding my 2 week old son and after he is done breastfeeding he cries like 10 minutes later for mor?
My son did the same thing. He would nurse from both fine for about 5 to 10 minutes, and then start crying and rooting for more. Because he was not my first child, but my 3rd...I was really confused at his behavior. None of my other children had done this. After speaking with his pediatrician, we came to the conclusion that he had acid-reflux.

This is not to say that your child has acid reflux. There are a number of other things it could be as well. My pediatrician gave me a laundry list of things to look for after feeding.

Milk Production - Is he getting enough? A good way to measure is pumping to see how much production you have.

Upset tummy - Is it something you are eating? Some foods upset babies tummies. Babies, unable to tell you how they feel, root for comfort. Some foods that have been known to cause upset are:

Broccoli, onion, nuts, chocolate and caffeine. You don't HAVE to cut these out of your diet, but you can help him with an upset tummy with Mylicon Drops. They are GREAT!

Comfort - Some babies just need the extra comfort that comes from nursing. Try a pacifier and see if he is satisfied with that.

Growth Spurt - Babies go through phases where they just need more. Because breast milk digests faster, they just need to eat more often.

Acid Reflux - When he nurses, does he arch his back and seem to be uncomfortable in any way. After feeding does he seems upset or uncomfortable in any way. If so, tell your Dr...and together you can come up with a good diagnoses as to whether it is acid reflux or not.

Good Luck! It is never easy when we are trying to figure out what our little ones want and/or need.I am breastfeeding my 2 week old son and after he is done breastfeeding he cries like 10 minutes later for mor?
It could be a growth spurt--they tend to have one around 2-3 weeks. If that's the problem, your milk supply will soon catch up if you let him feed whenever he wants. Growth spurts usually only last a few days.

If it's a problem with milk production, you'd know because he wouldn't be making enough wet and dirty diapers and wouldn't be gaining weight well. Take him to the pediatrician to be weighed.

Or one last possibility--how long is he feeding for? When my baby was 2 weeks old he was so sleepy he would feed for like 5 minutes and then fall asleep before he had eaten enough. He would sleep just long enough to remind him he was hungry again, wake up and want more. I had to keep waking him up when he was on the breast. Ways to wake a sleepy baby: Get them naked, burp, change diaper, pump his arm, tickle his foot, etc. He started waking up more around 2-3 weeks and it stopped being such a problem.
Newborns like to constantly nurse. It is very normal, from my experience. In a couple of months he will be taking more in at each feeding and will go a little bit longer. He will also become distracted and you will be the one trying to get him to eat (that's what I am going through right now with my 5 month old) !!
I think you are doing great mama! I believe that two weeks is a growth spurt, they nurse more so your body will produce more! look at forums, they are just about breastfeeding and can help you alot.
He is going through a growth spurt and maybe you should you try to burp him and hold him upright for atleast 15 minutes after feeding. You are doing fine and you don't need to supplement. This is normal.
it's perfectly's nuse newborn also does this:-)congrats on the beautiful baby!
Perfectly normal. Try and get him to nurse a little longer each time. The more he nurses, the more milk you will produce.
he probably just decides he wants more they go through the growth spurt then
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