as girls age and grow, so does their insatiable hunger for disposable income. it is like a beast inside of them that doesnt fully mature until they are mid 20's. once matured, this beast will sniff out guys with money and make the woman meet this man. it is able to do this, of course, because the beast has taken over all bodily functions at this point. the woman will also develop a keen sense of smell, that can sniff a US dollar from 200 miles away. This nose can also determine a mans net worth and how much money he will spend on himself versus for her.It seems that woman get mor wiser when choosing partners as they get older?
well there is only one answer. u want a gf u need a job and a car!! this is a good thing as you will have something to work towards. having goals keeps u motivated. and never listen to others, if its what u want go for it, they might not b a friend in a weeks time.
i think you shouldn't call yourself guuci boy unless you have money.
You answered ur own question..gotta get urself in gear and become more attractive...job , car , apart etc..if u want a good woman...
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