Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How do i become mor organized?

school, home, life

any tips on wat you do to stay organizedd??How do i become mor organized?
It depends on what type of organizing you mean....

If you mean organizing your time (life and general tasks), I'd suggest making a list of everything you need to do including work, classes, homework, etc... and I mean everything (even stupid little things like 20 minutes to relax).

Make a second list from that one, and rearrange that first list you made by order of importance. The more important they are, the closer to the top they should be.

Now if you mean organizing things physically in your life, it's a similar idea, but instead, sort all of your things by category. For example, put all your CDs in one place, DVDs in one place, etc, etc. Don't put them away yet, just sort them out.

Once you have everything sorted, then it's time to start putting them in their places. If you have a small area, you may want to put your CDs and DVDs together with your TV, stereo, or computer, for example.

Once you get things organized, take 3-5 minutes every day to put things back where they go. Once this is a habit, you'll be able to stay organized much easier. Good luck!How do i become mor organized?
I used to be absolutely the most UNorganized person. I was late almost everywhere I went, and when I got there i was still a wreck bcause i was so unorganized half of my things were still at home.

I'll tell you a few simple things I did.

1) BE ON TIME! Maybe its not a problem for you, but arriving slightly early for an event makes you feel better, gives you a few moments to think about what you 're doing, and other people generally have more respect for punctual people than the fasionably late person.

2)Start writing EVERYTHING down. Don't trust things to your memory. I don't have any high-tech devices or anything; just a simple daily planner book I bought from Wal-mart. It has the month at a glance and also detailed space for each day. I also have a small calendar (you know, the kind that most people have with puppies or a poem on the front) that I keep in my purse. From time to time, I make sure both are updated. You know, I highlight the most important events, but generally, just make sure you look at it every day.

3) Keep you living space clean. This is so hard to do. Try to keep the dishes washed, clothes off the floor, etc.

4) Keep your important papers in a file drawer instead of spread everywhere. For some things it is b etter to have a hard copy, but if possible, you will save clutter if you can save documents on a disc, computer, etc.

5) Don't commit to more appointments than you can comfortably keep. It seems like human nature to not want to disappoint people and say yes to everyone, but it is better to know your limits so you know you can accomplish everything and then work on doing more. I think it's better to successfully accomplish 5 tasks thoroughly than 8 tasks half-way done.

6) Save time when you can. For example, fold the clothes while you watch tv, waking up 10 minutes early to mop the floor instead of putting it off until ';cleaning day'; can save you time to do something else.

7)Make lists, make lists, and then make more lists. Lists help me remember everything I need to do. Grocery lists, to do lists, errands, people I need to call lists, etc. Then, I check each item off that I've accomplished (don't lose the list, though). I think lists help too because sometimes when we run errands we usually forget something we were supposed to do. We have to go back and do it later, which wastes time and money (gas).

8) keep your check-book balanced. For some reason, when I know exactly how much money I have I am more organized. Keep your receipts and then balance your book at home. Sign up for online banking and make sure the bank says you have exactly what you say you have.

9) Generally, when you find a system that works for you, stick to it. What works for others may not work for you. Do what it takes. And remember, when you become organized and it's like a well-oiled machine, you will feel so much better.

These are a few tips that have helped me and I hope they help you too.

Best to you.
Keep certain stuff in certain areas and put it back when your done.
I use calendars to mark special events (birthdays, concerts, appts, etc.) I also have two planners for school one has the syllabus schedule so i know when i should have things done and the other is for what i have to do everyday and i also mark important events in that as well.

Organize papers for school by subject in folders or binders, you could also use your computer if you have an online class. You could also use your cell phone to set up reminders for yourself.

I also LOVE using sticky notes.
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