Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Im a waitress at a restaurent in la, ive seem to notice that people with american express charge cards tip mor

especially the ones with the silver and black cards. or is it just me? any other waitresses see that?Im a waitress at a restaurent in la, ive seem to notice that people with american express charge cards tip mor
You need really really good credit to get one of those cards so I guess its safe to say american express cardholders have more money. I'm also a waitress and I've noticed this too.Im a waitress at a restaurent in la, ive seem to notice that people with american express charge cards tip mor
I know that to have a Black card you have some serious money. Maybe they just have more money to give out.

Don't ask questions...take the money %26amp; run!
Be nice to all your customers and hope the pull those cards out.
They are richer

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